It was less than a decade ago when Siri was first introduced and speaking to a machine became a regular part of our lives. Since then, more voice-based technology has hit the market, and finding whatever you need on the internet is as easy as speaking into a microphone.

Voice-automated services and apps are now ubiquitous in smartphones, computers, entertainment systems, and much more. Today, they represent perhaps the most convenient way to find solutions to almost any problem.

However, that’s not all voice-based technology can do. It has grown to be an integral part of business marketing that any company looking to make it in today’s world should see it as a valuable opportunity. When used to their fullest potential, tools like voice search can help improve a brand’s content strategy to ultimately gain and maintain visibility online.

But how exactly does a business take advantage of it? In the sections below, we’ll break things down into five quick tips to unlock the power of voice search marketing and how you can integrate it into your content strategy.

Tip #1: Keep it short and simple

In most cases, people who use voice search are looking for straightforward answers to basic questions. Thus, you should write your content in a way that is easy to understand yet provides helpful information. When writing, make sure that your sentences are phrased in a way that they can be easily understood when read out loud.

Tip #2: Write it in a conversational tone

The main difference between regular content marketing and voice search marketing is that the latter uses a conversational tone and spoken language to inform its users. When optimizing your content, think of how people phrase their queries and write your content accordingly. Doing so will help your content be more accessible to people who are using this type of search functionality.

Tip #3: Format it as questions

Another thing that you should know is that, unlike regular search engine queries, voice search queries are usually spoken as questions. As such, it’s a good idea to use headers and subheaders that are phrased similarly to target those types of searches. Writing your content that way also gives you a better shot at making it to the featured snippets section in SERPs, which is another benefit that can further help your business.

Tip #4: Write longer than usual

When writing your content’s subheadings and keywords, it’s best to use complete sentences that are conversational in tone. That’s because, unlike with written queries where people type with just a few words or phrases, people who use voice search tend to speak in complete sentences.

Tip #5: Integrate long-tail keywords

Another thing that marketers should do is to use long-tail keywords that mention the particular product or service and service location of their business. Search engines normally prioritize local search results when ranking content, and people tend to look for specific information when performing voice queries. By including these details, you can optimize your content to hone in on the people who are most likely to benefit from it.


Now that voice search is gradually dominating search engines, marketers and businesses should look into the importance of voice search optimization. As you can see by the tips above, it’s mostly about taking a user-centric approach that prioritizes understandability and conciseness when creating content.

If you want to ready your brand for voice search optimization, get in touch with us today. We provide expert and reliable voice search marketing to help our clients reach and attract more audiences.